The company CTS -Chartering Transport Service- offers services both as a Carrier and as Transport Broker ensuring, on request, any transport of goods in a partial or global manner. Indeed, taking into account the evolution of demand in the handling of freight logistics, our services have evolved increasingly, both towards "Door to Door" type solutions and innovative ones such as piggyback.

Logistics interconnection
CTS is a true logistics partner of Pre and Post routing of the Ports of Port-Vendres and Port la Nouvelle. Our Road / Rail / Sea interconnection allows us to consider your routing requests combining complementarity and cost competitiveness according to your requirements.

  • Full, partial or grouping lots possible.
  • Management of rail traffic.
  • Warehouses connected to Perpignan freight station, Saint-Charles Market.
  • Organization of the transport chain from the place of departure to the place of destination, including all road, rail and maritime services.
  • Maritime charter : Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

We have our own fleet of semi-trailers and 45 ", 40" and 20 "container chassis. We also transport 45 ", 40" and 20 "dry and reefer containers, plugged-in containers, as well as all types of packaged and bulk products, food liquids and all perishable goods at controlled temperature and ADR. We take care of :

  • 45 ’, 40’ and 20 ’dry and reefer containers,
  • plugged-in containers,
  • miscellaneous and bulk products,
  • food liquids,
  • temperature-controlled perishable goods,
  • approval for dangerous products ADR.


CTS Perpignan
Secteur E Grand Saint Charles
56 avenue de Lisbone BP25125
66000  Perpignan

CTS Chartering Road & Rail
Standard :

+33 4 68 85 60 10
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Operations :
+33 4 68 85 60 36
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Sea Chartering :
+33 4 68 40 44 55
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